Blogging Expectations

**You can find a list of our blogs here.**

Nearly every week, you'll need to publish a 300-500 word post on your own personal blog. These will be graded out of 20 points, based on the following categories:

Concision -- Your writing should be concise and precise, meaning that you should not waste words unnecessarily.

Clarity -- Your reader should be able to understand what you mean, which happens through clear/direct language and a strong organizational structure linked to your purpose. 

Cogency -- Make sure your actual purpose or point is sound rather than overly bizarre, abstract, or simplistic. This is the basis of any good writing -- you need to have something compelling to share with your readers.

Remember these three Cs when you're writing!

Blog 1 (due Sunday 10 August): Respond to In Cold Blood in whatever way you want. You can analyze a passage, reflect on Capote’s purpose, share some ideas you discussed or learned, etc. The only thing I don’t want you to do is summarize the text. Make sure you keep your post focused on one purpose so it’s not scattered, and remember the 3Cs!

Blog 2 (due Sunday 17 August): This is your first OPEN week. This means you can write about whatever you'd like to! Keep in mind, though, that your post should still have some sort of point/goal rather than being aimless.
You're welcome to respond to Atonement (besides summary!), or to media concepts, or whatnot. But you can also do something totally random, like talk about your cute and cuddly pets at home, or respond to a TV show you like, or tell your readers about your family. And don't forget that creative work is allowed! Poems/short stories/etc.

Blog 3 (due Friday 12 September): Respond to Atonement in whatever way you wish -- BESIDES summarizing! Try to say something about the text rather than retell the story. You might want to wait until after our discussion for some ideas...

Blog 4 (due Sunday 28 September): For this blog, you have lots of options. Choose ONE of the following:
1. Respond to 1984 or Catfish in a way that brings insight to the text (this means you want to avoid summarizing what we discuss in class and instead add something to the discussions we've had). If you're lost about this, please do talk to me and I can give you some specific question options. 

2. Now that we've read McLuhan, answer this question: Do you think media and technology are moving our society in a positive direction, or a negative direction? Why?

3. Find a song you like (that has a purpose) and analyze its rhetorical (and musical!) strategies. How does it achieve its purpose?

4. Analyze your own facebook page. Think about what your photos, likes, posts, friends, etc. say about you as a person. Does the persona you constructed via media match who you truly are? Why or why not?

Blog 5 (due Sunday 2 October): Options...
1. Tell a story from your activity week or quarter break! If you choose this option, try to write in a narrative mode, rather than summarizing what happened.

2. Reflect more deeply on the concept of group identity. What is it? How does it form? Take one group to which you belong and explore it. You could, for example, discuss the group and how it shapes your identity.

3. Write a miniature ethnography. Choose a subculture at WS or in the buzz or online, and try to document its behaviors and cultural practices, using the notes on ethnography as a guide. 

Blogs in Quarter 4: Due Sunday 19 April AND Sunday 26 April
For these two blogs, you have FREEDOM! It's your chance to explore a topic of your choice!

However, if you're really lost on what to discuss, consider some of these options:
1. Tell a story from your quarter break in narrative mode -- by bringing us into the experience, and showing it to us rather than telling us about it via summarizing.

2. Discuss what you'd like to explore for the interdisciplinary project. What are you interested in exploring and why? What do you hope to discover? 

3. Write a devotion that you could give during assembly. What's a message you'd like to share, and how would you help us understand that message?

4. Is something bothering you, tugging at you, keeping you up at night? Open our minds to your worries or concerns, whether personal, local, or global.

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