Friday, July 25, 2014

Who are you in relation to AP L&C?

Your first assignment this quarter is to tell me a bit about yourself. In this case, I don't mean your favorite bands or video games -- this "getting to know you" stuff will come out during class, I hope. But I want to know how you feel about this course, and who you are as a reader/writer/thinker.

So, In about 500-700 words, reflect on the following things:
  • How would you describe yourself as a reader?
  • How would you describe yourself as a writer?
  • What do you hope to get out of this class? What do you need help on the most as it relates to reading/writing for college-level classes?
  • What helps you learn? (In other words, do you prefer visuals, or lecture/discussion, or interactive?)
  • Do you have any questions/concerns about this course?
This writing diagnostic will help me to understand you as a writer, both as you see yourself and how I see you through the written word. I will take your questions, concerns and requests seriously as we continue through the semester. Thanks for your honesty!

Please email me your reflection by Sunday 3 August at 11pm.